Friday, March 9, 2007

IDS and child pornography

According to a Swedish newspaper has the volume of child pornography seized by the police at single crimes increased from averaging from 10.000 - 20.000 pictures two years ago till being up to millions of pictures and movies. The cheer volume blocks the police from investigating the crimes (summary in Swedish below).

Barnporrfall blir liggande

- De stora volymerna blockerar våra resurser. Ett stort beslag för två år sedan kunde bestå av 10.000-20.000 bilder. Det tyckte vi var mycket då. I dag kan det finnas enskilda beslag där den misstänkta har lagrat flera miljoner filmer och bilder, säger Stefan Kronqvist, chef för Riskriminalens IT-brottssektion.

Maybe intrusion detection/prevension technology could be used to stop kiddie porn from being sent through a network? Though pedophiles probably encode their communication using some form of cryptography or maybe they use darknets. However, according to the following story, it might be a reasonable approach: Recent child porn busts are one result of stepped-up Internet monitoring.

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