...change password: 43%
...the USB port is blocked: 42%
...not being able to select password: 41%
I certainly agree with the first one... it is annoying, because it is hard to remember all passwords at different places.
I used to write about intrusion detetion and security issues, but from now I will write about what ever computer related I come up with.
When I have been looking for work related to my research I stumbled over this survey from the Australian government: A Survey of Techniques for Security Architecture Analysis. It's quite an interesting survey. Only too bad that it is rather old from 2003. However, It contains a lot of interesting stuff and I have not found any other paper that covers as much work in this field in the same context. The abstract of the survey says (my layout and emphases):
This technical report is a survey of existing techniques which could potentially be used in the analysis of security architectures. The report has been structured to section the analysis process over three phases:Does anybody know of any other work that covers all the three phases above?Each technique presented in this report has been recognised as being potentially useful for one phase of the analysis. By presenting a set of potentially useful techniques, it is hoped that designers and decisionmakers involved in the development and maintenance of security architectures will be able to develop a more complete, justified and usable methodology other than those currently being used to perform analyses.
- the capture of a specific architecture in a suitable representation,
- discovering attacks on the captured architecture, and
- then assessing and comparing different security architectures.
Previously on this blog I have related to an ongoing discussion on risk analysis with FAIR. Also related to this problem is this doctoral dissertation at Harvard university from 2004:
In this dissertation the author suggests an economical model to measure security of a software product. By deriving an upper and lower the bound for the price for finding a new vulnerability he is able to set a value of a vulnerability and a higher value means a more secure product.
My questions are: Has anybody implemented ideas similar to this? What do you think of such an approach?